Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader:

As you begin your journey through our webpage let me enlighten you as to how this webpage came into existence.  All English majors at Marquette University are required to take an Advanced Composition class in order to gradutate.  I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of this class for the Fall Semester of 2001.  As one final class project it has been required of us, as a class, to post some of the writings that we have been doing throughout the semester on the web in the form of a webpage.  In our online magazine you will find stories that have touched the lives of the other people with whom I have shared class.  We have discussed topics of race, religion, community, family, current events, cinema, and friends.  Every story that appears in our magazine is an important aspect of the individual's life.  There are tales told that have had an impact on not only the writer, but the reader as well.

The title, Unconventional Discourse, stems from an idea that we have been learning about all semster.  This idea being that there are conventional discourses, or practices, found in every piece of writing.  Ideas such as theme, topic, audience, style, arrangement, punctuation, word choice, and distribution.  These are just a few of the ideas that writers must take into account when writing a piece.  Unconventional Discourse is something different.  The writing that you will experience is something different.

I must confess that putting together a magaine in the fashion that is not customary has taken quite the toll on me.  I know that the general consensus of the population is that technology is a gift and we would be lost without it.  In my final hour of putting together our literary magazine, I must say that technology right now can disappear from the world forever.  If I never have to look at another webpage it will be too soon.  It has been quite an endeavor trying to get my fellow classmates' writing to be seen by all.  An endeavor that I am not likely to be taking again anytime in the near future.  A much needed recuperation period will be in store for me as I put the finishing touches on our work.

I cannot tell you the amount of amazing and remarkable work you will find in the following links to material.  The class has spent an enormous amount of time on this project and I would like to take the time to thank each and every one of them for their help.  I never could have put it together without any of you.

I do hope, that as a reader, you enjoy our collection of Unconvetional Discourse.  I do believe that you will find this writing different from any other that you may have read.

Meg Taylor, Editor

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